

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut für Chemie - Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Takustraße 3
14195 Berlin

Professor Dr. Christmann

Room No. 35.13
Office Telephone: +49 30 838 52621
Secretary: +49 30 838 52051 / 53338
Fax: +49 30 838 54792

How to Find Us...

The Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is located in the Takustrasse 3 building, which also houses the Institute for Organic Chemistry and administrative offices of the Department of Chemistry. It is part of the main FU campus situated in the municipal district of Zehlendorf, in the Dahlem neighbourhood. Within walking distance of the Campus are the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society , the Botanic Garden and several Public Museums. You can find the building on a sketch map . Further information is available at the Porter's Lodge at the main entrance of the Takustrasse 3 building.

Approach by Public Transport

Underground (Subway), "U-Bahn"

The nearest subway station ("U") is Dahlem-Dorf, the line is now called U1 (before German unification it was known as U2). You reach the institute after a short walk (500 m, 1600 ft): go to the right into Königin-Luise-Strasse, after less than 100 m (300 ft) turn off right into Takustrasse. The Institute is situated at the other end of the street on the left-hand side, as shown on the sketch map.


A bus stop of line 101 (e.g., from Breitenbachplatz) is situated in the Altensteinstrasse at the corner Limonenstrasse. The Limonenstrasse leads directly to the institute. Alternatively, there are bus stops

City Railway, "S-Bahn"

The nearest station of the city railway ("S-Bahn") is Botanischer Garten (Botanic Garden, line S1), located about 1 km (3300 ft) away from the Institute.


The Institute owns a parking lot that can be accessed, going downhill, from Schwendenerstrasse. Note that Takustrasse has one-way traffic leading from Königin-Luise-Strasse to Schwendenerstrasse. The parking lot is also accessible from Altensteinstrasse.

Approach from the Expressway

From the expressway A100, intersection Wilmersdorf to A104 (direction Steglitz), exit Breitenbachplatz, turn off right into Schorlemerallee, turn off left into  Englerallee, straight across the Königin-Luise-Strasse into the Altensteinstrasse, turn off right into the Schwendenerstrasse, keep right, the entrance of the parking lot is immediately to the right (downhill).
An alternative approach from the A100 leads via the intersection Schöneberg to the A103 (direction Zehlendorf), to the end (Schloßstraße/Wolfensteindamm), then straight ahead, into Unter den Eichen. Turn off right into Fabeckstrasse, right into Altensteinstrasse, and then left into Limonenstrasse which leads straight to the parking lot.

Driving to Berlin from the West or the South

From the west (highway A2) or the south (highway A9) to "Berliner Ring" (A10), intersection Drewitz to A115/AVUS, exit Hüttenweg, Hüttenweg, turn off left into Clayallee, turn off right into Königin-Luise-Strasse, then right into Takustrasse.
Routing Examples (in German, automatically assembled by the Falk on-line routing planner)
Wiesbaden - Berlin/Takustr.

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