Dr. rer. nat. Ronald Wagner

research projects

I´m working in the frame of the DFG- special research section, "Thin Metal Films: Structure and Electronic Properties" (SFB 290) - Project  "Characterisation of Growth- and Structure- Parameters of Single Cristal Alloy - Films" (B3) on the fields: 

  • Development of Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy (TDS) as a powerfull method, to characterize the Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Morphology of Metal/Metal-Systems on Surfaces
  • Especially investigation of Phase Transitions in such systems
  • Study of the Systems Cu/Re(0001), Ag/Re(0001), Au/Re(0001), Pd/Re(0001) with regard to the Binding States and Morphology using Thermal Desorption Spektroscopy, X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Auger Elektron Spectroscopy, Low Energy Elektron Diffraction, measurements of the electron work function change
  • Exploration of the ternary systems Cu+Ag/Re(0001) and Au+Ag/Re(0001) in the view of surface alloying effects of Cu and Ag, as well as Au and Ag, whitch are not visible in the bulk
  • Testing of the effect of the roughness of several Re(0001)- surfaces especially on the Thermal Desorption Spektroscopy

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